Monday, March 5, 2018

Have + noun; feel+adjective

See the video about health problems 

The difference between sick and ill
To most people, both sick and ill more or less mean the same thing,
 that you are not in a healthy condition.

Sick is less formal than ill and usually describes short-term ailments or diseases
(like a cold or cough). Sick can also refer to feeling nauseous. In British English,
 to be sick can mean to vomit.
Ill is often for more serious health problems (like cancer or pneumonia)
but can also be used for short-term ones.
Illness (noun) refers to a medical condition. Sickness (noun) refers to
how you feel.
The difference between ache and pain
ACHE is a continuous or prolonged dull pain in a part of the body.
It can often be a throbbing sensation that covers more than one point.
You can sometimes try and ignore an ache.
PAIN is physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury.
It is usually a sharp sensation in a specific part of the body and hurts more than an ache.

Exercise 1: HOW DO YOU FEEL?
Exercise 2: What's wrong?
Exercise 3: Health problems